What’s stopping you from setting goals?

When it comes to making decisions in your life, how do you go about it? Are you the sort of person who has a precise action plan? Perhaps you’re the sort of smart reader who researches a ton of articles and then makes a decision. On the other hand maybe you haven’t got time for all that and work on the understanding you’re winging it. We can ask the same questions when it comes to setting goals.

However you approach life, or business, or romance we can tell you goal setting meets everyone’s needs. In this article, we’ll talk about creating a plan, making time and understanding exactly what makes goals so necessary. It doesn’t matter what you want to achieve, we’ll show you the process of creating goals that work. It just takes a little commitment from you.

Why Be A Goal Setter?

It would be easy for me to write an endless list of benefits. Don’t worry, I’m not going to spend too long trying to persuade you. Nor do we believe in micro-management. When you choose to set goals, you make them because you want to.

And that’s the central argument. It’s you giving yourself the space and time to take back control. Setting goals because it benefits you, understanding the benefits it brings to you. No one else. It’s your life and it’s your choice to place yourself in the driver’s seat of that life.

We don’t always have a grand life plan for ourselves. But you can start creating some goals that make you feel better and more fulfilled.

I said I wouldn’t talk much longer on benefits. Let me give you one or two examples before we move onto the process of setting these life goals.

When you set goals into action, plan for at least one of these things to happen:

  • Your self-confidence will be given a boost. The reason? You’re telling yourself you matter and you’re taking steps to prove it.
  • Things change. This might sound obvious. But the process of working toward something means things change. Sometimes daily, sometimes month by month. You change. Your commitment makes a difference to you and those around you.

I could go on to talk about behaviour or how you develop a better understanding of yourself and your motivation. The great thing is, you’ll uncover all this for yourself.

Now let’s take a look at a more practical element of goal setting. Where to start and how to plan the process.

Beginner’s Guide to Setting Goals

Life moves fast and it often feels there’s little time to catch your breath, let alone plan anything. It can be harder still to see the risks or manage progress. But if you really are committed to making smart changes in your life, you’ll thank yourself for giving your mind a bit of space.

Start by putting yourself under a kind of management review. But in the kindest way possible. Ask yourself if you’re happy where you are. Try understanding how you’ve got to the point you have in your life. In short, give yourself a type of business evaluation.

And be honest with yourself. It doesn’t matter if your goals don’t sound like something you’d usually say. Or if it’s going to take some time to achieve them. You’re right at the start of the process. You’ve got time to plan.

Understanding what you want is crucial. Just as important as planning how to get it. It doesn’t matter if it’s marriage, business, health or any other of life’s elements. It’s your goal and yours alone.

Write it down. Once it’s out there, it feels real. Take some time to imagine how you’ll feel when you achieve that goal. Imagine who you’ll be, where you’ll be.

Now, just like you might in business, starting planning. What are those first steps you’re going to take?

How are you going to press go on this action plan?

Seek Support

No one ever said this was an easy process. It’s not. It asks you to step out of your comfort zone, admit you need to make some changes and then make those changes happen. That’s hard work.

It’s also why we’re creating an app to work alongside you. You already have the desire, we’re here to provide you with the techniques and awareness you need to make it happen.

Make sure the people you have in your life are supporting you. Don’t pay too much attention to those who don’t encourage you. You’re in the driver’s seat and you’re making the decisions. Just go for it.

Well done for taking the first steps. Reading this article was the first step. If you want to go further then watch this space for our new app, landing very soon. In the meantime, follow us on social media for encouragement and tips. You can also drop us an email at hello@studioappthink.com, we’d love to hear from you.

Take care,

Studio Think Team